Tuesday, June 18, 2013

How Residential Real Estate Agents Can Get More Listings

Residential real estate listing agents are always looking for ways to get more listings. Do a Google search and you'll find plenty of links to help you figure out what to do. That, along with browsing through real esate newsletters - RISMedia Daily e-News, RE Technology, Inman NewsCracker Jack/Agent and more - can be valuable resources. So, here are a few more links to help:

Get 5 listings a month with AMAZING real estate marketing idea This is an 8-minute video that might stir your thinking.

How I Get 2 to 5 Listings Every Month With This New & Unusual Marketing Strategy This one makes a bold claim: "I now get 82% of my business without having to chase people or run ads, and there's no reason why it can't do the same thing for you in your local area ..."

How Does a Rookie Get Listings? This is an older article from REALTOR Magazine, but the principles still hold true.

10 Tips to a Successful Listing Presentation This blog post is from a well-known coach, who regularly provides useful tips - for free - to help agents in all aspects of their business.

Some of these links were found by simply typing this sentence into Google: "How can residential real estate agents get more listings".

There are many, many valuable resources to help you succeed. Good luck as you continue to find ways to grow your business.

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